
Drainage graphic

Evolving from clay brick and tile, today’s agricultural drainage systems have become an essential tool for the progressive grower. By providing the control to maintain the balance needed to maximize productivity, the ability to recharge and positively affect water quality as well as manage nutrient loads, today’s grower has the ability to dramatically increase their bottom line and at the same time reduce their carbon footprint.

We begin by modeling your field to review decades of weather data. Then we take a state of the art topographical survey so that we can profile ever inch of your system to insure maximum efficiency. And finally we review every opportunity to harvest your resources so that you not only qualify for available cost share programs but can realize the cost savings of managed resources. We work hand in hand with your Water Management, the NRCS, DEP and FDAX to insure your project not only meets but exceeds their specifications.

Our commitment to customized drainage systems that focus  not only on water management, but yields, nutrient management, water quality, and conservation combined with the very best practices in agricultural irrigation provides our growers with the essential tools to be leaders in today’s agricultural market.

Drainage water management uses water control structures to control the amount of water and nutrients retained in the soil. It diminishes overall water flow from croplands, thus creating cleaner runoff by reducing nitrate loads from fertilizer, manure and organic sources in the soil. Drainage water management can maximize crop yields while minimizing negative effects on water quality.

Irri-Drain System

One Pipe, One System for Sub-Surface Irrigation and Drainage

The Irri-Drain System irrigates and drains a field using the same pipe and installation. It lets you manage water and soil profiles (the 24 to 36 inches between the surface and the drainage tile) and is by far the best tool available to any agricultural management system. The Irri-Drain System also controls nutrients, allowing you to keep fertilizer in your files longer for better absorption.

By managing your water saturation levels with Irri-Drain, you take control of the production variables – planting date, fertilizer uptake, plant development, herbicide and insecticide effectiveness, soil compaction, standability/lodging, harvest moisture, and most importantly, YIELD.

By installing the Irri-Drain system, you gain better, and immediate, control of moisture in your fields. You simply irrigate when fields are dry, and drain when tey are wet. Irri-Drain lets you neutralize poor weather conditions to give you adequate planting time, increased crop yields and more crop options.

In the irrigation process, water can be pumped back from the source, through the feeder pipe, into the perforated pipe system, to where the roots absorb moisture as needed. This pump-back system raises the water table so that you can maintain the optimum soil moisture level for your crops, encouraging maximum root development.

Whenever drainage is required, such as during and right after extended rain, the pump is shut down, and the drainage outlet is opened.

With an Irri-Drain system, you control the timing of both irrigation and drainage to maximize yields and profits.


Nyoplast ADSNyoplast Water Control Structure

The Nyoplast Water Control Structure provides an effective and economical way to manage water levels. It allows overflow for heavy rainfall events, but also restricts water movement during normal conditions to maximize residence time for valuable nutrients so they can stay in the crop zone.

Using a water control structure in a main, submain, or lateral drain allows you to vary the depth of the drainage outlet. In the early spring and in the fall, it can be lowered to allow drainage to flow freely prior to field operations. After spring operations, the structure can be raised to store water for the crop to use in midsummer. after the harvest season, the water control structure can be raised to reduce the delivery of nitrate to ditches and streams in the off-season.

Greenhouse and tile tractor